Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Three months old!

Three months ago, Monday, Grady was born 1 lb and 12.9 oz. Can you believe it? It just seems like yesterday, that we were counting percentages of ounces. Now, we are REDUCING his calorie intake. His nurse told Mommy that Grady is no longer swollen and they are dropping his calorie count. He is too chunky! What a blessing! Grady is taking 2 ounces per feeding. This will continue to increased but the doctor is no longer adding extra calories to thicken him up. This little boy looks great to me. Just look at those yummy cheeks!

Today, Grady got to meet his Uncle. Brian says, Grady looks like his Daddy. Isn't it funny how one little child can look so much like so many people. He does have a few features that resemble each parent and a little of his grandparents. Hey, chunky is not a feature! Stop that! I love that we can see his precious little face without anything attached to it.
Grady continues to heal from his latest procedures. He has a new tube and the nurses have gotten him off of his continual pain meds. He can still receive a little of something less powerful, but hopefully he will not require that for much longer. Now, we are looking forward to him moving to the transition area. This is going to be a learning experience for the adults. The family is going to learn how to care for the extras that Grady will require. We took a tour today. It is a very nice place. It will be sad to leave all the special people that have been with Grady for these first three months. But it is time for him to graduate to the new area. He will no longer require NICU care. WOW!
At last count, Grady was 6 lbs, 8.6 oz. He is almost 17 inches long. This has not changed much since Sunday. You will all remember, Grady should be preparing for his entry into this world. We are about a week from his due date. He is just about the size he should be. This would be the time for him to start chunking up a little, preparing to keep himself warm once he is forced into our world. Looks like he is on schedule for some things.
We have another scan coming up next week. Your prayers and support will be very much appreciated. Grady is a very blessed little man to have such a wonderful extended family loving and praying for him. I hope you all know what you mean to us. Thank you is never enough, but Thank you!
Talk soon,

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