Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Six Months old today.

Can you believe this child is 6 months old today!?! Wow, time has really snuck by. What a blessing these two children's hospitals have been for our little man. God is good. Grady is almost 22 inches long. He has dropped a little weight because the antibiotics are playing havoc with his 'tummy'. But the doctors and nurses say this is normal and not to worry about any weight loss for now. If G loses a lot of weight, we will worry. But for now, we are just enjoying this little boy as his true personality really starts to show. As you can see, Grady is smiling at things, he has a belly laugh that will cause you to laugh right along with him. He keeps his JoJo laughing all the time. One other thing we are celebrating is Grady throwing a fit! I know, I know, who wants a baby to get that mad. We do. As Grady is waking up from all the sleep meds and other stuff they have had him on, we are seeing things that we should have seen before now. Grady can throw a fit like every other little fella his age. He gets down right CHAPPED. And I laugh at him while trying to make it better. It is a wonderful thing to see this little boy begin to act like a 2 to 6 month old baby.
For those that do not know it, there is a fund raiser for Grady next weekend. We will be there to see everyone. If you are interested, go to http://www.givingtogrady.com/ to see what it is all about. It should be fun.
As always, thank you for all you do to support my family. Your prayers are priceless to us. Hope to see you all soon.
Talk soon,

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