Well, here we are. Another few days and another few ounces! Yes, Grady was up to 3 lbs and 14.8 ounces Wednesday. Hopefully, he has added ounces again today. He just continues to grew. He still has a little puffiness which makes his eyes look a little swollen. I can not wait until we get a picture of his little face without all the extra attachments. I just know there is a precious little face underneath all that tape. It is pretty cute with tape.
Grady had a nice little visit with Mommy and JoJo. Suzanna held him between feedings. Grady is receiving 32 ml, which is over an ounce, every 3 hours. Remember, it takes him one and a half hours to get through each feeding. That makes him eating half his day. The nurses don't like to interrupt his feedings because he still gets a little fritzed when he is moved. He did really well this time. He maintained his saturation levels while they were moving him. He dropped for just a second while they were getting him situated with Suzanna. Once the two of them were settled, his sats came right back up and stayed pretty steady the entire time she held him.
I did get to change his diaper for the first time. I must tell you. Suzanna thought it was a dirty diaper. When I got him uncovered, it was not. I changed him and let Mommy know that is was just wet. Then, he started trying to open his eyes, so Suzanna got close. As she was talking to him, hehehe................ guess what?!?!?!? hehehehehe He talked back, sort of! Mommy got to change a 'dirty' diaper. So, Grady was very nice to his JoJo and a little mischievious to his Mommy. I guess he knows his JoJo can't wait to spoil him so he knows to be nice to me. Although, just between you and me, I think Grady's parents are getting pretty ready to spoil him a little bit themselves!
As always, thank you all for your support and prayers. You make each day a little easier for all of us, just knowing that we have such great friends and family.
Talk soon,