Wednesday, April 14, 2010

CPAP again

About 11:00 am today, they put Mr. Grady back on the CPAP. As of 5:30 pm this evening, he is doing very well. Daddy will give me another update tonight, when he goes to see him. The doctor was telling us that if Grady can breathe with the CPAP for the next 24-48 hours, he will probably be able to stay off the respirator. Of course, that is barring any unforseen issues. But, we are not having any of those, so prayer warriors pray for lung strength and Frye/Kidd determination. His new cap is designed to help him keep his mouth closed. The CPAP sends air using pressure, so Grady's mouth needs to be closed for the air to get to his lungs. It looks a little tight, but they told us this is what he needs right now. It is not so tight that he could not yawn earlier. He also just opened his mouth. Probably to show the doctor he was still in charge and would open up when he wants to. Grady is keeping his coloring up, his saturation levels are pretty steady and he has the best support system we could ask for. Thanks to all of you!

If you look at his hands, you can see that this little man is beginning to plump up some. He is 4 ounces shy of being 3 pounds! His doctor explained how they are monitoring his caloric intake because he is requiring and burning more calories than he would if he had stayed where he belonged for a little longer. So, this will help him to thicken up some. It will also assist him with muscle growth and not just adding weight.

After talking with Emma, Suzanna and I thought that just maybe all of you might like to know a little more about where Grady is. Suzanna is sitting next to Grady's incubator. You can see his gauges in the back ground. Those are his 'bells and whistles'. His feeding devise is on the shelf over Suzanna's left shoulder. He has 5 roommates in his room. At Suzanna's right shoulder, there are doors that open so that Grady can be touched or moved. During most visits, the top of his incubator will lift up and we get to see him without the plexiglass reflections. This is one of the bonuses of him getting moved to this room. Today, because he was working hard breathing, the top was put back down and covered so he had darkness for resting. This also reduces the noise and helps keep him warm. As they keep telling us, Grady is the boss and whatever is best for him is the rule for the day.
I will update the blog this evening if I hear more about our little man. Thanks for all your prayers and love.
Talk soon,

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