Friday, August 13, 2010

Surgery over for now

Grady has been through a lot today. He had three different procedures done. He has a medical port line, he had the infection drained and they also drained his left ventrical. The fluid in the left ventrical appears to be clear. That is very good news. We will not know if there is any infection in that fluid for several days. They have sent all fluids off for cultures. As you know, that will take up to 72 hours.
The neurosurgeon was very pleased with Grady and how well he handled all three surgeries today. As Daddy keeps telling us, Grady came through it like a rock star. He is in pain, but his doctor has put him on a anesthsia drip for tonight to let him rest and calm down. Grady is have a minor issue with his vital signs, but again, he is in a lot of pain. His vitals are high, but not so high they are worried. They are concerned enough to let him sleep through the night with assistance. We may still be looking at another surgery, but for tonight, we will wait and see. Doctor says, one thing at a time. So, we will let Grady get through this before we address the next step.
I know I am leaving a lot of your questions unanswered, but I don't have any answers for you for now. There does not seem to be an explanation for the infection other than it could possibly have been there for some time and is just now causing problems for Grady.

Keep those prayers coming. It works and Grady is proof of that. Hold your loved ones tight and thank you for all you are doing to help support and pray for my family.

Talk soon,

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